Project Awake depends on your financial support
For a fraction of the cost of a typical Broadway production, we provide a program unlike anything students have experienced in their schools. Our non-profit mission ensures affordable access, but many schools are extremely underfunded. Your contribution helps us offset the cost for schools and enables us to make a huge impact in the lives of young people.
Want to help us change lives? Give us your lunch money or become a Founder!
Project Awake is a program of abrasiveMedia, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that helps artists grow, connect, produce, and give back ot the community. Your contributions are U.S. tax deducible.

Give Us Your Lunch Money
Bullying robs students of joy, confidence, and a sense of belonging that they all need to thrive. We use the power of performing arts to reduce bullying and violence in Tennessee high-schools.
Your lunch money, just once per month, will help us continue doing that!
Join The Founders
The generous contributions of our Founders are directly responsible for the scale and caliber of our technical production. When you join The Founders you're ensuring this program's success - and you'll get some prety amazing perks for it as well.
(button links to
$10,000 (or greater) Donation
- Permanently FEATURED recognition at
- VIP tickets to the semester preview shows
- VIP tickets to abrasiveMedia's galas
- Branding opportunities on print and media content
- Private (or public) performance opportunities
- Project Awake SWAG!
WDS Foundation
Lydia Horton
Chris Atkinson
Sponsor A Semester
At a fraction of the cost of a typical Broadway production, we’ve created a program unlike anything students have experienced before. Tax-deductible donations, grants, and community sponsorships enable us to make a massive impact in the lives of young people.
(button links to
$500 - Sponsor one week of rehearsals
- Listed on sponsors page for an entire semester
- Thanked and tagged on social posts featuring the rehearsals
$2000 - Sponsor one month of rehearsals
- Same as $500, plus
- Listed in our program flier for the entire semester
$3500 - Sponsor a school performance
- Same as $2000, plus
- Acknowledged from stage during the sponsored show + branding
- Thanks and tagged on social posts featuring the performance